priest creek winery mid summer market

Priest Creek Winery Mid Summer Market

Priest Creek Winery Mid Summer Market

August 18, 2024

priest creek winery Mid Summer MarketCome spend a midsummer afternoon  at the Mid Summer Market at Priest Creek Winery!

While we don't drink wine or other alcohol in our own house, we support those who enjoy it in moderation, who use it as medication the way Paul admonished Timothy, and who enjoy it occasionally with a meal.

Wine has been used from ancient times through to the not-so-distant past as a method of creating tinctures and delivering herbal medications.

Red wine is particularly useful as it contains Boron, a compound that greatly aids in wound healing. This is demonstrated in Scripture when Jesus told the parable of the man who fell among thieves, and the Good Samaritan poured oil and wine into the man's wounds.

So if you are in Kelowna, why not stop by and say hi after church? The fair runs from 11pm to 5pm. Hope to see you there!

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