Ashtree Wildcrafting Valley Hills
shop - Valley Hills

Tea: Valley Hills

Ashtree Wildcrafting ValleyHillsDescription:

Savour the aroma of the Okanagan hills and receive a shot of Vitamin C as you sip this flavourful wildberry tea.

Why The Name:

The hills around the Okanagan grow an amazing array of enjoyable flavours from berries such as Chokecherry and Hawthorn, to Rose Hips, Ponderosa Pine Needles, thistles and more.  While the photo is very golden in colour, this tea takes on a darker hue in your cup, and if you let it steep long enough, the colours from the fruit begin to add their reddish tones as well.  This tea truly does remind one of the scents you will find when out for a hike around the Okanagan.

Net Weight:  20+g

Price: $12 + shipping

Tea: Valley Hills


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  1. Shake container to ensure contents are re-mixed as settling does occur. Stir with a clean spoon or popsicle stick to re-mix if you wish as well.
  2. Add 1 tsp to a tea ball or bit of cheese cloth wound tight with string.
  3. Place in mug of hot (not boiling) water.
  4. Let steep to taste, generally 5 to 10 minutes or longer if you desire.
  5. Strain or remove teaball and add unpasteurized honey if desired.
NOTE: This tea tastes better warm or hot. Not cold or room temperature.
Do not drink if:
  • taking heart medication
  • Pregnant
  • Planning a pregnancy